School celebrates Teacher's day so I went to school help Pn.Wong. I,Lay Koon and Sze Hui went to open koperasi. Chai Fen and Ji Ji got things to do in library because got pameran for teacher. We wanna do kerja amal for our moral project so we acted that we 'helping' teacher to sell drinks actually we got salary=P We chase all our customers and close the door to take photo in koperasi.We felt very weird when taking the photo because imagine when you doing something then someone wanna take a photo so you must stop moving(like somebody clicked pause). Actually we also plan to take photo when we put the paper into recycle bin but then dunno why we didn't do. Very funny,do kerja amal also need to act.Last 2 years,my brother do his kerja amal also like that.He acted he is helping my mum wash the car. My friend's brother also did the same thing.Now is our time to act liao.If everyone also pura-pura doing their kerja amal then what is the meaning of this project???Anyway,I'm unqualified to say this.=P
Is me acting that i am filling drinks but is it kerja amal???filling stock?!Sze Hui was giving back balance to customers(real customers lo) so i feels that this photo is the most natural among all....hehe
Later our school sponsor ice cream cone to students. We helped Pn.Wong to give to students.To avoid got each student take more than 1 ice cream,we give them ice cream cone near the main gate there and all students can straight away go back home but unsuccessful.Got students steal ice cream,take ice cream again and agian,someone even take whole box of ice cream which contains 22 ice cream cone. Pn.Wong felt very depressed because many students and teachers didn't get ice cream even though she order 1000 ice cream cone which is 2 times of people who come to celebrates Teacher's Day. Conclusion,most of the starians are immoral,ice cream cone also wanna steal somemore the ice cream taste not good=P
Hey, tell sze hui that if she wants photos f her distributing ic cream, I have two of them.
ReplyDeleteI don't think she still want those photo coz she wanna do another one,if i'm not mistaken.Anyway thanks ya.Hey I lost ur blog address d,give me one more time,k?