Ying Ying(with specs) and Wan Xuan(without specs)
Went to sunway pyramid with my primary best friends
We all know each other at least 10 years already
I'm so lucky got all of them
Of course,I also very lucky to have all my beancurd group friends
Just 3 of us manage to hang out this time
Actually still got 2
Jennie exam is around the corner so she cannot come out
Shiau Jing got tuition and her mum don't let her come out
Too bad...
Ate the world best cream puff
cost me RM3.80 for a little thingy
i like the choux pastry but the filling not so nice
I know how to bake it also(^.^)v
Actually wan to watch 17 again(got ZAC EFRON leh)
but end up watched monster vs alien
because the blur ying went to book GSC ticket but we went Sunway which got TGV only
Anyway,the cartoon quite nice also
Settle our lunch...erm...high tea at GASOLINE
bad service this time
as usually,I had talked to the waiter with very serious tone twice
First is because the table is oily and is smelly
Second,I waited my food for so long until ying and xuan finished their food already I started to eat
Ish...all because what I'm studying
I become very fussy to service thingy =P
Then we took sticker photo
1,2,3,4 kacha
after finish that,we went to toilet and take photo also
Why TOILET?because the lightning there is good and got big mirror
My mum asked me to go ying's house first only they come and fetch me at 8
but then ying's mum not at home also
We tried to called someone to pick us up but nobody answer phone
so end up we walked back from Telok Gadong KTM station to ying's house
On the way to ying's house
I met him
not really met
I saw him
When I saw the car
My mind starts wondering is that...
Bingo!It is...
I have no idea why
Why I scared
My heart just felt so uncomfortable
like someone squeezed my heart
the conclusion my friends gave me is horrible for me
I thought I...
but what I thought in my mind is always different from people's point of view
my dear Han Ying...forget it,please!!!
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