Nowadays Bukit Tinggi become warm ad.I still remeber last 2 years,the weather there was still kinda cold but nw is HOT.Only when the sky turn dark then the wind only when make you chill.
This two days,I took about 300++ photos O.o

-My sis,mummy n Me-...Guess where were v???At Genting lor!!!Special leh that background..
My little cousin was wishing...Isn't it cute when he concentrate??!
They were so cute chasing the rabbits around.When I told them if wanna catch rabbit is holding their ears,they said why so cruel,rabbits will pain one or not???...swtz...I'm not rabbits so ask rabbits lah...But daddy told me so,he said catch like that rabbits will not feel pain...Daddy is a rabbit???!!!LOLz...
-My little cousin-Kinda scary rite!?
Sitting in the car when we were on the way to some where.Suddenly mention that my grandma's palms is so small(like a child's palms)..-c her finger and my finger-her is kinda chubby and short and my is kinda short but not so chubby=P
While we were waiting in the 4D master motion theater,cool anot v wearing 'sun glasses'?-My cute sis and I-
-How long should I wait to reach home??5 o'clock I got tuition leh-
-I like this photo(dunno why)-
Humans keep polluting the environment and make the weather become warmer and warmer and bla bla bla...Can't humans just do only things that will protect our nature???Even though I am an alien who lives in Earth,everyday I also doing things which harmful to nature.WTH=.='''