My 18th birthday~~
18 years old is legal to go club already
but for my parents' rules still not legal yet
actually my beancurd group(except ROY><) planned to go Times Square
but on the way to Times Square
I want to go Full House
I heard my friends said there very nice
So with Joey's and Vanna instructions and also my darling,World Best Driver Yi Chien
So with Joey's and Vanna instructions and also my darling,World Best Driver Yi Chien
we went there
Full House,the restaurant I always wish to go
and now I'm taking pic at the side
we went early half and hour
and now I'm taking pic at the side
we went early half and hour
and Full House open at 12pm
At the time
Nuizexui oni got staff and some shop lot open
Then Vanna wanted to go toilet
Joey said toilet is at the car park which is underground
we were like:"where got toilet at the car park one,damn weird lo,are you sure Joey?"
omg...really got toilet at underground man
damn scary lo
recalled Drag Me to Hell scene=.=
Very cute right
all this cake is made from Chef Han Ying(dreaming~) Though I know the possiblity is very small,I still believe in fairy tales...
very special
It looks like a magazine
The set menu I ordered...
Iced Lemon Tea
Bowie's dish...Korean Noodle
Vanna and Yi chien's dish...Carbonara Spaghetti...
Joey and I ordered the same...Dory Fish
the fish fillets were so fresh and the taste is so delicious
I'm enjoying my food...hmmm...yummy~~~
Pineapple cake
Actually the set menu stated is tart but is cake

the fish fillets were so fresh and the taste is so delicious
Actually the set menu stated is tart but is cake
very cosy
Joey,me,Bowie,Yi Chien and Vanna...infront of Full House
My cake,Tiramisu...I love it~
Miao Huat and Hock Mum were trying to light up my candles because the air-cond too big already

All my presents
Bowie: "Wanna ta kau?Come lah!
Han Ying: "Donald Duck~No~"
Then we went to Time Square
On the way to there,I "belanja" there all eat this
The first one is like smarties but inside fillings is strawberry
Then is coffee bean like that...full of taste of coffee
Chocolate...some got star one...very convenient to bring along anyway because it won't melt easily strawberry and chocolate
Smarties like that and inside is chocolate
Before went in to the car park of Time Square
We saw a very cute western guy
They all shouted in the car...excluded me
He is cute but I didn't shout
Times Square was crowded with people
We shopped around and Vanna bought some clothes
Then we decided to go Berjaya university for some reasons
but when we reach that floor
Bowie almost bang the door because its closed
We finding our car for quite some time because we just simply took one lift and went down
So the only solution is go back to the place just now we came up from the parking,KFC there
Then finally we found Yi Chien's car
We went to Sunway Pyramid also
just for fun because almost 2 weeks we didn't go there because got exam
I bought ice cream
then only I realised I got cough
end up ate half another half gave Vanna=P
Vanna bought some clothes also
I tried one dress
but I didn't buy
because I don't know wear it to wear
Then we went back
At night
I went to Jeth
Ying Ying,Shiau Jing,Hock Mum,Nelson,Miao Huat celebrated with me
Ying Ying,Shiau Jing,Hock Mum,Nelson,Miao Huat celebrated with me

When I want to cut my cakes to give there all eat
I don't know how to cut
Hock Mum straight away boom me:"You never learn cutting cakes in your course meh?"
Me:"Yea...I didn't."XD
End up I cut one for myself(They said I must eat first)
End up I cut one for myself(They said I must eat first)
Others they helped themselves
Miao Huat,Hock Mum,Nelson,Ying Ying and Shiau Jing(another two of my best friends cannot come)

Then later Kenneth and Gary also came to Jeth to wish me because they around there
Gambateh Ying~I wish I can go also but I got gastric=.=
They purposely came to my house to give me my present few days before my birthday
Damn touching lo~
It has a very nice description: You know how when you're watching a movie with people who have already seen it,there always seems to be someone there who tells you what's about to happen just before it actually does?Well if you read on after the next full stop,we're going to ruin all the good bits in eating PODS snacks for you.You put one in your mouth and suddenly notice the crispy lightness of the wafer;the creamy chocolate soon fills your mouth,quickly followed by mouth-watering gooey creme.Back to the wafer,the chocolate,the creme.The wafer,the chocolate,the creme.You swallow.
Can feel the taste of that snacks?
Thankz for everyone who celebrated my birthday with me
I damn happy today^^
The 18th birthday that I will never forget!
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