I'm damn tired this few days
because of the operation of restaurant and kitchen
besides that,I also need to do my assignments
So I just bought this doughnut from J Co to credit myself
Yummy~I prefer the durian flavour from Big Apple
J Co durian flavour got a bit fake
My group in charge of cooking in kitchen
We had a great time cooking all appetizer and main course which was Leek and Potato Soup and Pan Fried Seabass
Chef Patrick's mood like damn good that day
Everything went quite smoothy except Yi Chien and Chef Soon fall down in the kitchen
swtz...sure very pain
our group in charge of restaurant
and this time we were served at night because of the replacement of Hari Raya(usually is wednesday afternoon)
SS ing...long time did not take SS d
you know?recently just don't have the mood but yesterday I have
I'm a bartender yesterday
There is pros and cons to be bartender
pros was I no need to do gueridon service of carving roast chicken
cons was I can't really know what interesting things happen in restaurant because I only stay in the bar counter and I cannot see people's face clearly because the light too dim
Our decoration of restaurant
Roy as the Manager of the Day decorated
damn nice isn't it?
The whole night I only busy in the bar counter dealing with Liquids(juices,water,coffee etc)
Anyway I enjoyed doing that
After the restaurant closed,we cleaned the whole restaurant until around 11 o'clock
Then briefing,
Ms Karen(our Food and Beverage Lecturer) praised us that we did the good job
p/s: Chef Chong also said we were good that day in kitchen
Yi Chien is the best in gueridon service(*applause)
and Ms Karen also said that I organised the bar well(hehe)
Of course,we got a lot of good feed back from customers,alwayz(haha)
WOOHUU~thankz to everyone!!!
and then I reached home around 12pm
I damn exhausted man
don't felt like wanna bath but I bathed also
don't felt like wanna brush my teeth but I brushed also
then I slept until the next day don't felt like wanna wake up but I woke up also because got French Class and Wine Class
Wine class somemore got assesment
obviously I did not study for it
If I get half of the marks I already very happy
Mr Daniel's class is fun anyway besides we need to memorize a lot of things
Ms Karen is a very cute lecturer
She said a lot of things which other lecturer would not speak
I cannot tell you what she said,its a secret(XP)
I got a lot of good lecturer and chef
next time only tell you guys more about my other lecturer
I'm tired already...
Bonne Nuit~
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