Sunday, September 06, 2009

Everyone also got dreams right!?
What is your dream?

I want to be a backpacker
travel around the world
experience other people's culture or somethings else

I want to build a Bed & Breakfast Hotel near a beautifel sea(like this)
There will be one pastry kitchen for me
I will bake somethings everyday
so that my hotel will full of the aroma of baked foods
Anyone who live in my hotel can taste things I bake for free
By the way anyone who live my hotel can get five star hospitality

When I'm free
I can go sunbath or swim in the sea
It will be great if I can dive or surf there

Okay okay...stop dreaming my dear
Now what you need to do is study hard(smart!?)
got scholarship and continue to degree
then work and earn a lot of money(a.k.a papers)
At least one of your dream can be fulfill
or you can get something similar
dream dream dream~


  1. when there is a dream there is a will
    then u can do it de eventually

  2. hmmm...i believe in that also!hehe
