Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. ---Marie Curie
I like it~
but somehow a lot of things I still cannot understand...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
I'm damn tired this few days
because of the operation of restaurant and kitchen
besides that,I also need to do my assignments
So I just bought this doughnut from J Co to credit myself
Yummy~I prefer the durian flavour from Big Apple
J Co durian flavour got a bit fake
My group in charge of cooking in kitchen
We had a great time cooking all appetizer and main course which was Leek and Potato Soup and Pan Fried Seabass
Chef Patrick's mood like damn good that day
Everything went quite smoothy except Yi Chien and Chef Soon fall down in the kitchen
swtz...sure very pain
our group in charge of restaurant
and this time we were served at night because of the replacement of Hari Raya(usually is wednesday afternoon)
SS ing...long time did not take SS d
you know?recently just don't have the mood but yesterday I have
I'm a bartender yesterday
There is pros and cons to be bartender
pros was I no need to do gueridon service of carving roast chicken
cons was I can't really know what interesting things happen in restaurant because I only stay in the bar counter and I cannot see people's face clearly because the light too dim
Our decoration of restaurant
Roy as the Manager of the Day decorated
damn nice isn't it?
The whole night I only busy in the bar counter dealing with Liquids(juices,water,coffee etc)
Anyway I enjoyed doing that
After the restaurant closed,we cleaned the whole restaurant until around 11 o'clock
Then briefing,
Ms Karen(our Food and Beverage Lecturer) praised us that we did the good job
p/s: Chef Chong also said we were good that day in kitchen
Yi Chien is the best in gueridon service(*applause)
and Ms Karen also said that I organised the bar well(hehe)
Of course,we got a lot of good feed back from customers,alwayz(haha)
WOOHUU~thankz to everyone!!!
and then I reached home around 12pm
I damn exhausted man
don't felt like wanna bath but I bathed also
don't felt like wanna brush my teeth but I brushed also
then I slept until the next day don't felt like wanna wake up but I woke up also because got French Class and Wine Class
Wine class somemore got assesment
obviously I did not study for it
If I get half of the marks I already very happy
Mr Daniel's class is fun anyway besides we need to memorize a lot of things
Ms Karen is a very cute lecturer
She said a lot of things which other lecturer would not speak
I cannot tell you what she said,its a secret(XP)
I got a lot of good lecturer and chef
next time only tell you guys more about my other lecturer
I'm tired already...
Bonne Nuit~
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Everyone also got dreams right!?
What is your dream?
I want to be a backpacker
travel around the world
experience other people's culture or somethings else
I want to build a Bed & Breakfast Hotel near a beautifel sea(like this)
There will be one pastry kitchen for me
I will bake somethings everyday
so that my hotel will full of the aroma of baked foods
Anyone who live in my hotel can taste things I bake for free
By the way anyone who live my hotel can get five star hospitality
When I'm free
I can go sunbath or swim in the sea
It will be great if I can dive or surf there
Okay okay...stop dreaming my dear
Now what you need to do is study hard(smart!?)
got scholarship and continue to degree
then work and earn a lot of money(a.k.a papers)
At least one of your dream can be fulfill
or you can get something similar
dream dream dream~
What is your dream?
I want to be a backpacker
travel around the world
experience other people's culture or somethings else
I want to build a Bed & Breakfast Hotel near a beautifel sea(like this)

I will bake somethings everyday
so that my hotel will full of the aroma of baked foods
Anyone who live in my hotel can taste things I bake for free
By the way anyone who live my hotel can get five star hospitality
When I'm free
I can go sunbath or swim in the sea
It will be great if I can dive or surf there
Okay okay...stop dreaming my dear
Now what you need to do is study hard(smart!?)
got scholarship and continue to degree
then work and earn a lot of money(a.k.a papers)
At least one of your dream can be fulfill
or you can get something similar
dream dream dream~
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Majority of my friends hate to take KTM
I'm different a little bit,a little bit only
I love to take KTM
Sometimes,I will take KTM to college or shopping centre
Usually I will take KTM alone when I go to college
Its fun to take KTM
1. I can meet some of my friends in KTM and can chit chat with them.
2. On the way to my destination,I can read my books,use up my time wisely(I cannot read books in car,I will feel dizzy,only ktm)
3. I can observe the people in KTM(that's very interesting*wink wink)
4. I can think a lot of things,whatever which is important or not important
5. I can listen to songs and emo
See~got so many things I can do in KTM XP
The thing I hate about KTM is I need to be one of the sardin inside the KTM
Life is like train
Got a lot of people aboard the train and off the train
Some of them aboard at the begining
Some of them aboard the half way
Some of them will sit the train until the final station
Some of them walk off before last station
Everyone in the train got their own aim of life
Who will with you until the last station?
You will only know the answer when you reach the last station
只有在你到达最后一站时 谜底才会揭开
I'm different a little bit,a little bit only
I love to take KTM
Sometimes,I will take KTM to college or shopping centre
Usually I will take KTM alone when I go to college
Its fun to take KTM
1. I can meet some of my friends in KTM and can chit chat with them.
2. On the way to my destination,I can read my books,use up my time wisely(I cannot read books in car,I will feel dizzy,only ktm)
3. I can observe the people in KTM(that's very interesting*wink wink)
4. I can think a lot of things,whatever which is important or not important
5. I can listen to songs and emo
See~got so many things I can do in KTM XP
The thing I hate about KTM is I need to be one of the sardin inside the KTM
Life is like train
Got a lot of people aboard the train and off the train
Some of them aboard at the begining
Some of them aboard the half way
Some of them will sit the train until the final station
Some of them walk off before last station
Everyone in the train got their own aim of life
Who will with you until the last station?
You will only know the answer when you reach the last station
只有在你到达最后一站时 谜底才会揭开
Friday, September 04, 2009
Joey said Gloria SAKAI when she saw Gloria smile widely to Vanna
and then today became SAKAI DAY already
I don't know why they said Shadhana SAKAI
when they kept repeating it
Yi Chien came out another name for her which is S square(u know mathematics?)
turns out laughed like hell when repeating Shadhana SAKAI action and Yi Chien SAKAI thinking
Then Vanna told told Shadhana that yesterday was Indian Theme because of Chef Chong kept saying Made In India thingy to Gloria
Besides,yesterday Yi Chien also very sakai
She thought herself is a mixer,weighing machine and sponge
1.When Chef asked her to mix the ingredients of bread which already inside the mixing bowl,she trying to mix them by shaking the bowl which actually use machine to mix it.
2.She used her hand to take the soap and washed the soiled bowl.
3.When Chef asked her to weight the magarine,she tried to use hand to weight but not weighing machine.
Even though I know all this already,I still laugh like SAKAI when listened to it.
I forgot some part already
I only remember we were talking about tortoise and Gloria said for Indian,if take tortoise as a pet,tortoise will take away your money(but for chinese is totally differentXP)
and then she talked her story
bla bla bla...
then she said she got 2 rabbit which looks like dog
We first was stunned.RABBIT LOOKS LIKE DOG!?
and then she said it again :"Yeah~my rabbits looks like dog"
with the sentence and her expression
We laughed again.
I laughed until I felt difficult to breath.
SAKAI Gloria...lolz
Then she said her rabbits called Ju Ju and Jo Jo
Yi Chien laughed like hell
She said that if she actually called Ju Ju but then Jo Jo come out how?
She said nobody call their pets name so similar
well...the Ju Ju and Jo Jo already is a point to make me laugh plus the way Yi Chien talked make me laughed until stomach pain.
I can't really stop laughing at that time.
For your information,we were sitting at cafeteria and our table was the loudest and noisiest.
SAKAI betul la...
During French Class,we joked around also
especially Gloria,she really SAKAI today
she kept saying something funny.
French class is difficult and I cannot get what Ms Adi was talking about(sometimes)
Thankz to my classmates,our class still full of joking around and make me stay awake all the time and receive new knowledge.
After went for lunch and before the second period of time
We suddenly discuss about movies
Linda and I feel that UP was nice but Yi Chien and Rita feel that its damn childish
Jerrr...what childish!?
My tears lingered in my eyes and Linda cried when the scene Ellie(Carl's wife) died.
We so touched that Carl loves her wife so much because of everything he did before and after his wife died.
Cross your heart XX
Okay,back to the story of SAKAI day.
I forgot why already but Yi Chien repeated the Ju Ju and Jo Jo story again to the whole class
obviously I laughed out loud again,non stop
Yi Chien said that do not have owner call their pets name which sounds so similar
She said it confused the rabbits
The rabbits will wondering :
"Ju Ju,she is calling you or me?"said Jo Jo
"Don't know leh!"said Ju Ju
"eh!?is she calling Ju Ju or Jo Jo?Aiya don't care la,just go"
"Why give us this kind of name?confusing us?"
as if she knows rabbit language...good one
If you read the sentences but don't think that is funny.
This is because you didn't see the way Yi Chien talk.
Sometimes,the things she talking is not really funny but when add up her expressions and gesture,the things will become SUPER DUPER FUNNY.
When wine class,we laughed again because of Mr Daniel
His class would not be boring because he usually give us a lot of funny examples and ask us to imagine and also joke around.
By the way,he is kinda Yi Chien got a lot of expressions and gestureXP
He class is fun and we gain a lot of knowledge from him.
You guaranteed would not feel sleepy in his class.
Alright,that's my SAKAI DAY
actually still got a lot of funny things but too many already save it for myself la
Laughter is the best medicine
I strongly agree
Happy always~
and then today became SAKAI DAY already
I don't know why they said Shadhana SAKAI
when they kept repeating it
Yi Chien came out another name for her which is S square(u know mathematics?)
turns out laughed like hell when repeating Shadhana SAKAI action and Yi Chien SAKAI thinking
Then Vanna told told Shadhana that yesterday was Indian Theme because of Chef Chong kept saying Made In India thingy to Gloria
Besides,yesterday Yi Chien also very sakai
She thought herself is a mixer,weighing machine and sponge
1.When Chef asked her to mix the ingredients of bread which already inside the mixing bowl,she trying to mix them by shaking the bowl which actually use machine to mix it.
2.She used her hand to take the soap and washed the soiled bowl.
3.When Chef asked her to weight the magarine,she tried to use hand to weight but not weighing machine.
Even though I know all this already,I still laugh like SAKAI when listened to it.
I forgot some part already
I only remember we were talking about tortoise and Gloria said for Indian,if take tortoise as a pet,tortoise will take away your money(but for chinese is totally differentXP)
and then she talked her story
bla bla bla...
then she said she got 2 rabbit which looks like dog
We first was stunned.RABBIT LOOKS LIKE DOG!?
and then she said it again :"Yeah~my rabbits looks like dog"
with the sentence and her expression
We laughed again.
I laughed until I felt difficult to breath.
SAKAI Gloria...lolz
Then she said her rabbits called Ju Ju and Jo Jo
Yi Chien laughed like hell
She said that if she actually called Ju Ju but then Jo Jo come out how?
She said nobody call their pets name so similar
well...the Ju Ju and Jo Jo already is a point to make me laugh plus the way Yi Chien talked make me laughed until stomach pain.
I can't really stop laughing at that time.
For your information,we were sitting at cafeteria and our table was the loudest and noisiest.
SAKAI betul la...
During French Class,we joked around also
especially Gloria,she really SAKAI today
she kept saying something funny.
French class is difficult and I cannot get what Ms Adi was talking about(sometimes)
Thankz to my classmates,our class still full of joking around and make me stay awake all the time and receive new knowledge.
After went for lunch and before the second period of time
We suddenly discuss about movies
Linda and I feel that UP was nice but Yi Chien and Rita feel that its damn childish
Jerrr...what childish!?
My tears lingered in my eyes and Linda cried when the scene Ellie(Carl's wife) died.
We so touched that Carl loves her wife so much because of everything he did before and after his wife died.
Cross your heart XX
Okay,back to the story of SAKAI day.
I forgot why already but Yi Chien repeated the Ju Ju and Jo Jo story again to the whole class
obviously I laughed out loud again,non stop
Yi Chien said that do not have owner call their pets name which sounds so similar
She said it confused the rabbits
The rabbits will wondering :
"Ju Ju,she is calling you or me?"said Jo Jo
"Don't know leh!"said Ju Ju
"eh!?is she calling Ju Ju or Jo Jo?Aiya don't care la,just go"
"Why give us this kind of name?confusing us?"
as if she knows rabbit language...good one
If you read the sentences but don't think that is funny.
This is because you didn't see the way Yi Chien talk.
Sometimes,the things she talking is not really funny but when add up her expressions and gesture,the things will become SUPER DUPER FUNNY.
When wine class,we laughed again because of Mr Daniel
His class would not be boring because he usually give us a lot of funny examples and ask us to imagine and also joke around.
By the way,he is kinda Yi Chien got a lot of expressions and gestureXP
He class is fun and we gain a lot of knowledge from him.
You guaranteed would not feel sleepy in his class.
Alright,that's my SAKAI DAY
actually still got a lot of funny things but too many already save it for myself la
Laughter is the best medicine
I strongly agree
Happy always~
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
The event A Night with Phantom was the first time I became a server
Then I also helped in Deli(my college) when semester break
Today,I was a server also in my school training restaurant
Oh ya~for your information,this semester we will run a trainig restaurant for table d'hote menu for our Food & Beverage subject or Culinary&Kitchen Operation assessment.
One thing I hate for being a server is I need to stand for a long period of time with "ah ma" shoes
Why "ah ma" shoes?!
lolz...because its kinda old fashion(out dated!?)
My feet damn pain after wearing that stupid shoes
Everytime I took off that shoes from my feet and step on the floor,
my feeling sure is: "oh finally~finally I can take out this torture shoes"
Other than this,I quite enjoyed to be a server
Although got a lot of technique when serving customer,its FUN
p/s: my mum said I looks like ghost because I was wearing my very loose uniform which is white and black slack.She also said now is what festival somemore wear this kind of colour and let go my long hair,stand on road side at night people will thought they saw something "dirty".
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